Silent Way
Goal : To enable students to use the target language for express their feeling, mind, and perception.
Teacher’s Role: teacher facilitates learning and provides exercises to insure their facility with the language. Teacher relies on students’ knowledge, what they already know. Only can give what help is necessary to students. The teacher is silent. Teacher's silence gives the responsibility to the student. Besides it helps students improve their own inner criteria.
Interactions in class: In student-teacher interaction, the teacher is silent. He/she attentively listen to students’ speech and give students help by using nonverbal gestures and tools. Sometimes teacher speaks to give clues, not to model the language. In student-student verbal interaction, students can learn from one another and for encourage them.
Areas of language which are emphasized: sound/pronunciation and language structure.
Language skills which are emphasized: all four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are used from the beginning of the learning process. The skills reinforce what students learn.
Culture: Culture is an inseparable part of language. Language reflects culture. Everyday life, art, literature should be learnt.
Evaluation: The teacher may never give a formal test. He/she assesses students' learning all the time.
The role of students’ native language: to give instruction to students only when it is necessary. To know the meaning of a word or sentence in the target language is by focusing the students’
perceptions, not by translating it into the native language.
Teacher’s respond to students’ errors: teacher sees students’ errors as a natural incident in the learning process. By students’ errors, teacher can decide where further work is necessary. Teacher gives students an opportunity to self-correct their errors. If students are unable to self-correct then teacher will give the correct answer.
Techniques and Materials: Teacher’s silence, Self-correction gestures, Rods, Word Chart, Sound-color Chart, Fidel Chart, Structured Feedback.
Audio-Lingual Method
Goal: To enable students to use the target language communicatively and automatically without have to stop to thinking.
Teacher’s role: teacher directs and controls the students’ language behavior. Teacher also provides students a good model for imitation. Teacher is also a good model for pronunciation and other oral skills.
Interactions in class: most of the interaction is between teacher and students. Student-student interaction is when students play different roles in dialogs by teacher’s directed.
Areas of language which are emphasized: sound system and grammatical patterns.
Language skills which are emphasized: all four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). But oral/aural skills receive most of the attention. Everyday speech and oral skills are important. Pronunciation is taught from the beginning. Perfect pronunciation is required. Particularly, language is for oral communication.
Culture: culture consists of everyday behavior and lifestyle of the target language community.
Evaluation: discrete-point tests are used. Each question would focus on only one point of the language at a time. Ex: supplying an appropriate verb form in a sentence.
The role of students’ native language: students’ native language is not used in the classroom because the use of the students’ native language might interfere the students’ attempts to master the target language. All communicative activities in classroom use the target language.
Teacher responds students’ errors: through the teacher’s awareness of where students will have difficulty, students’ errors are attempted to be avoided.
Techniques and Materials: Dialog memorization, Backward build-up drill, Repetition drill, Chain drill, Use of minimal pairs, Transformation drill, Question-and-answer drill, complete the dialog, and Grammar game.
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010
The Comparison of Silent Way and Audio Lingual Method
Diposting oleh ayu kartikawati di 19.38 0 komentar
Kamis, 18 Maret 2010
To The One I Love
To have you as a friend
Has brought me so much happiness
Having you to love
Has changed my whole world
Today I want to tell you
That you are the love of my life,
A special friend,
And a wonderful person
I cherish the bond we’ve created between us,
I consider it precious
And well worth our efforts
To keep it growing
I treasure our sharing
The long talks and discussions,
And the dreams and hopes
That we’ve discovered together
I love all our yesterdays,
And I’ll love all our tomorrows
I love everything that leads me to you
With all my heart
And all my love always
Diposting oleh ayu kartikawati di 19.42 0 komentar
Bintang Timur
Dunia ini tidak seperti surga
Dunia ini bagaikan tempat menimbun dosa
Setiap saat setan sudah berkuasa di dunia
Menuntun manusia menuju maut
Tanah itu tidak berair murni
Tanah itu berair darah
Dunia dimana setan-setan berpesta pora
Dia sudah bosan, Dia berkasihan
Sampai saat bintang timur itu turun
Sebagai tanda Ia lahir di tempat sunyi berjerami
Bintang Timur itu penyelamat
Memberitakan berita keselamatan
Atas dasar kasih Ia bicara
Dia lahir untuk kita
Kasih-Nya untuk kita
Diposting oleh ayu kartikawati di 19.40 0 komentar
“I Can’t”
I can’t be whatever I like
I can’t do whatever I want
I can’t breath and my heart is blue
Cause I can’t see any picture of you
I can’t love you and that’s the truth
I can’t reach you
You are higher than the moon
I can’t be with you and talk to you
Cause I can’t be the girl that you want to
You can’t see me, you don’t know me
You can’t reach me
I am deeper than deep blue sea
You can’t be with me and talk to me
Even you are the guy that I meant to be
Diposting oleh ayu kartikawati di 19.38 0 komentar
Archimedes dan Newton tak akan mengerti,
medan magnet yang berinduksi di antara kita.
Einsten dan Edison tak sanggup merumuskan E=MC2
Ah, tak sebanding dengan momen cintaku.
Pertama kali bayanganmu jatuh tepat di fokus hatiku
Nyata, tegak, diperbesar dengan kekuatan lensa maksimum.
Bagai tetes minyak Milikan jatuh di ruang hampa.
Cintaku lebih besar dari bilangan Avogadro.
Walau jarak kita bagai matahari dan Pluto saat aphelium,
amplitudo gelombang hatimu berinteraksi dengan hatiku.
Seindah gaya harmonik sempurna tanpa gaya pemulih.
Bagai kopel gaya dengan kecepatan angular yang tak terbatas.
Energi mekanik cintaku tak terbendung oleh eriksi.
Energi potensial cintaku tak terpengaruh oleh tetapan gaya.
Energi kinetik cintaku = ½ MV2.
Bahkan hukum kekekalan energi tak dapat menandingi hukum kekekalan di antara kita.
Lihat momen cinta kita……
Momen cintaku tegak lurus dengan momen cintamu.
Menjadikan cinta kita sebagai titik ekuilibrium yang sempurna.
Dengan inersia tak terhingga.
Takkan tergoyahkan impuls atau momentum gaya.
Inilah Resultan Momentum Cinta kita.
Diposting oleh ayu kartikawati di 19.35 0 komentar
Direct Method is a revision of Grammar Translation Method, because the method is considered not able to make students communicate or speaking in the target language fluently or develop students’ communication skill. Since the Grammar Translation Method was not very effective in preparing students to use the target language communicatively, Direct Method became popular.
In the learning processes, translations are not allowed. Teacher asks a student to read aloud in the class. Then, teacher gives question in the target language to the student.
Self-correction facilitates language learning. Mean, teacher‘s role is less active than in the Grammar Translation Method. Teacher does not decide whether an answer is correct or not. Teacher corrects a grammar error by using various techniques, tries to get students to self-correct whenever possible or asking the students to make a choice. Students and teacher are more like partners in the language learning process.
The main goal of the Direct Method is to make students able to speaking or communicate fluently in the target language. Students should learn to think in the target language in order to do this successfully.
The main principle of direct method is mother tongue or native language is not allowed in the target language learning process. Students’ native language should not be used in the classroom. Teacher and students must speaking or communicate in the target language as if they were in real situations. Teacher asks students to use target language if they have a question. Then teacher answer it by demonstrate the models or drawing it on the blackboard. During teaching or learning process, teacher does not translate any words of target language into native language, but usually applies maps, pictures, or inanimate objects and then demonstrates it in order to explain the meaning of the words to the students. It is required that students make a direct connection between target language and meaning.
In the method, vocabulary is not emphasized. Students practice vocabulary by using new words in complete sentences, than memorizing word lists. Grammar rules may never be given clearly.
Pronunciation, speaking and writing skill are the important skills in this method. Those are should be worked on right and developed from the language learning process.
Techniques of the direct method according to the book ”Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching” by Diane Larsen-Freeman:
1. Reading aloud
Students are asked to read a texts, plays or dialogs out loud.
2. Question and answer exercise
Asking students some questions in the target language and having students answer the questions in complete sentences.
3. Students’ self-correction
Teacher gives opportunities for students to self correct answers by using various techniques and models.
4. Conversation practice
Asking section or dialog section between teachers and students in the target language, in order to habituate students speak or communicate in the target language.
5. Fill-in-the-blank exercise
Teaches applies items in target language only, no explicit grammar rules.
6. Dictation
Teacher read a reading text aloud in amount of times at various tempos while students just listen and write down what they hear.
7. Map drawing
Teacher mentions some places in a geographical map. Students are asked by teacher to find and label the places in the map. This technique is used to give students listening comprehension practice and develop students’ listening skill.
8. Paragraph writing
Students are asked to write paragraphs in their own words by using target language.
Diposting oleh ayu kartikawati di 19.29 0 komentar
Grammar Translation Method is a method of teaching language that has the purpose to helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature.
Formerly in the nineteenth century, this method was called Classical Method, the traditional method which used in the teaching the classical languages, Latin and Greek.
The method allows the using of mother tongue in learning target language in the classroom. The mother tongue is used as the medium of instruction, would not work for any form of listening and speaking teaching. Using mother tongue is important in learning target language. Students’ comprehension and understanding of the target language learning become more developed if teachers use native language or mother tongue in the language learning process.
Grammar Translation Method emphasizes the ability of translating the foreign language literature. Language skills that are emphasized are reading and writing. Vocabulary is also emphasized in memorizing word lists. The ability to speaking and pronouncing in the target language is not a goal of the method.
This method can develops students’ competence and skills in writing, reading and translating foreign language literature. Also, easier students in learning target language from the using of native language in the target language learning process. An important goal is students be able to translate each language into the other. Students are considered successful language learner, if they able to translate one language into another.
The method is very easy to applied by language teachers in the target language learning process because everyone can use the method easily in teaching target language without require a certain skill.
Teacher’s role is very important. Teacher is the centre of learning and has the authority in the classroom. Teacher decides whether an answer is correct or incorrect. It is very significant that students get the correct answer.
During learning process, teacher translates difficult words in target language into the native language in order explain the meaning of the words to the students.
The disadvantage of this method is students are not able to communicate or speaking in the target language, because communication skill is not emphasized in the language learning process. Also, there is lack of student-student interaction, because most of the interaction in the classroom is from the teacher to students.
Diposting oleh ayu kartikawati di 19.22 0 komentar